Tips and Resources


Here are a few things that make running my small businesses a little easier, in lieu of my eventual blog.

(Do you know anyone who isn’t working on finally starting or re-starting or updating “that blog?” Me, neither.)

Courses Worth the $

The Operating System: Grow and monetize your LinkedIn account

Justin’s course is a stand-out resource for growing and monetizing your LinkedIn account. (For the most part, I wince when I see B2B consultants in particular posting stock photos on Instagram instead of quality LinkedIn content.)

The Ultimate Guide to Talent Optimization

Talent optimization helps maintain happy, productive teams in good times and bad. Here’s a free, online course for people leaders and HR professionals that confers SHRM credit.

The Research Report Playbook

Erin was my co-worker at The Predictive Index, where she regularly turned research reports such as an annual report on Talent Optimization into leads and revenue. Here, she distills her wealth of knowledge on research report creation and distribution into a course that includes a plug-and-play template.

People I Do Business With


So You Want To Talk About Race

By Ijeoma Oluo

While talking about race is necessary to making a more equitable world for all, I often wish this were required reading for people leaders before doing so.

Building a StoryBrand

By Donald Miller

My go-to book for anyone with a creative streak who wants to up-level their branding and messaging.

The Challenger Sale

By Mathew Dixon, Brent Adamson

No sales framework applies to every situation, but as they say, you’ve got to learn the rules like a master to bend them like an artist.

Fair Shares


By Pippa Goodhart

I’m a mom, so, here’s one of my favorite children’s books. The book helps teach children the difference between equity and equality. Many adults also struggle with this concept and I recommend it for them, too.

Quiet: The Power of Introverts

By Susan Cain

A must-read for introverts or or anyone who loves an introvert. Note: I like to think of extraversion as a spectrum rather than the binary “extravert” or “introvert”, but, Cain and most use those terms so I follow suit here.


By Nir Eyal

This book stands out from other habit-forming/breaking books because it helps those who struggle with social media and tech-based distractions specifically.


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